Explore all Big Brook State Forest
Cleared in the 1860s for a wheat crop, this forest was left for nature to reclaim after a bush fire …
100 Year Forest Walk Trail
Type Distance 1km Difficulty Easy Time Under 1 hour -
The Big Brook Arboretum is 3km from Big Brook Dam, along the Karri Forest Explorer Drive
Big Brook Arboretum Big Brook Arboretum, Rainbow Trail, Pemberton WA
Camp near the exotic trees of the Big Brook Arboretum.
Big Brook Arboretum Campground big brook arboretum campground
Big Brook Dam is one of the attractions on the Karri Forest Explorer Drive and a great place for a family outing.
Big Brook Dam Big Brook Dam Foreshore & Picnic Area, Channybearup WA
Big Brook Dam presents a glorious setting for a freshwater canoe. Surrounded by Karri forest, it provides an idyllic location …
Big Brook Dam – Canoeing
Type Distance Various Difficulty Easy Time Under 1 hour -
Tree rule here in karri country! Explore a young timber forest and discover trees from around the world.
Big Brook State Forest Big Brook State Forest, Channybearup WA
Marvel at the size of this enormous old karri tree
Big Karri Big Brook State Forest, Channybearup WA
The Karri Forest Explorer Drive winds through some of the south-west’s most magnificent karri forest.
Karri Forest Explorer
Pemberton Discovery Tours; an iconic tour for a iconic town.
Pemberton Discovery Tours Pemberton WA
Time to be still and listen to the landscape
Warren River Cedar