We moved here from Perth 20 years ago (Dave was in a family business and Mel was finishing her Fine Art degree at Curtin Uni). We were looking for a better lifestyle to raise our soon-to-be offspring, and we had grand plans of earning a living off the farm.

21 years after putting down our roots, we are pleased to say we live in a vibrant community in a growing tourism destination in which our cellar door is a unique feature. I don’t think we really understood just how much work this would be – putting in a few vines – and since we started the industry has been through some testing times. But we’ve hung in there and are pleased to be consistently making some pretty good wines off our block (we have been honoured with the highest possible Halliday Rating – 5 Red Stars). The wines have dedicated followers all over the place!

is chief viticulturist, help musterer, and wayward philosopher! Oh, and on-premise manager! Back in 1997 Dave had the notion that it would be a great idea to grow some vines, that is, after much head scratching, checking out the seasons and soil type, working out what he would most like to drink and if it would grow here. His absolute dedication (some say he’s pedantic) has paid off (as has all that “research” with local winemakers and growers…)

In his spare time Dave also makes some beautiful dining tables and benches from local recycled timbers, which are the prized possessions of those pushy enough to get him in the shed.

handles the day-to-day running of the business and cellar door, is called on for second-in-command pruning help, and is soccer mum to their three boys; Nelson, Oliver and Finn (is it no wonder she insisted on a female dog?).

She has embraced the farm life over the previous 20 years, especially the luxury of growing, harvesting and cooking from scratch, making the most of the natural environment and, now the kids are older, getting serious about her other career – being a painter.