The Bibbulmun Trail
The Bibbulmun Track is one of the world’s great long distance walk trails, stretching 1000km from Kalamunda in the Perth Hills to Albany on the south coast, winding through the heart of the scenic South West of Western Australia.
The Track is for walkers only and is signposted with yellow triangular markers symbolising the Waugal, the rainbow serpent of the Aboriginal Dreaming. Trail markers are spaced up to 500m apart. They are more frequent when there is an intersection with other tracks or when the Track takes a turn. For more information about the Nyoongar culture please see the various Along the Track pages and visit Nyoongar Knowledge.
Nyoongar people are known and acknowledged as the traditional owners and custodians of the land and waters over which the Bibbulmun Track passes. Nyoongar people have a deep spiritual, emotional, social and physical connection to “country” (Boodja). Nyoongar people ask you to please respect the Boodja when you walk the Bibbulmun Track to ensure its natural and cultural values are preserved for all future generations.
The Track takes walkers through towering karri and tingle forests, down mist-shrouded valleys, over giant granite boulders and along breathtaking coastal heathlands. It passes through many of the most beautiful national parks of the south west forests and coastline.
The Bibbulmun Track offers a wide range of experiences, from a gentle stroll to enjoy the peace and beauty of the natural environment, to an epic eight-week adventure. Those that walk every step of the way can be registered as end-to-enders.
You can make it a wilderness experience by camping out, you can join a guided group, a tour, or you can do it in comfort by staying in the towns along the Track and enjoying day walks in the area. The Track passes through Dwellingup, Collie, Balingup, Donnelly River Village, Pemberton, Northcliffe, Walpole, Peaceful Bay and Denmark.

Explore the Bibbulmun track in our region
Many hikers treat Balingup as their half-way stop along the Track. It’s the perfect place for a few hours or a few days of rest, rejuvenation and preparation for the next leg of your walk. It’s also a comfortable place to end popular shorter stints from Collie or from Donnelly River Village.
Donnelly River Holiday Village is the half-way point of the track and the next supply stop and accommodation provider. It’s not a town but has a store with good supplies and walker accommodation. It’s a 56.2km walk from Balingup, which usually takes three days, two nights.
Pemberton is 57.6km south of Donnelly River – a drive of approx. one hour and ten minutes. The walk between Pemberton and Donnelly River (101.6km) usually takes five days.
Northcliffe is 37km south of Pemberton – a 30 minute drive along the Vasse Highway. Pemberton to Northcliffe is a 55.3km walk, which takes approximately three days.
Walpole is 100km south-east of Northcliffe – a drive of around an hour and 10 minutes along the South West Highway. The walk between the two towns (137.1km), takes eight or nine days.
31km east of Walpole is the next stop at Peaceful Bay- a 25 minute drive along South Coast Highway and Peaceful Bay Road. The walk between Walpole and Peaceful Bay (61.4km) takes three or four days.
Trail Map