Kim Perrier is an award-winning Artist and sculptor residing in Bridgetown since 1977. Kim and Marie have created a sculpture garden containing many of Kim’s award-winning works in a purpose-built garden. Kim’s work is included in State and National Gallery collections.

The garden has a number of rock gardens with waterfalls and cosy seating areas, 2 KLM. from the Bridgetown CBD. The garden contains over 30 large-scale works in Concrete, Bronze, Aluminium and wood-based charcoal (Carbonature) depicting life-like humans in Jarrah remnants. The garden is also floodlit by night and people are invited to drive onto their property and inspect the sculptures by night.

An admission cost of five dollars will be accepted when you feed the large concrete frog near the entrance. The collection is QR-coded so you can scan and read the details and story behind each work.